Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Bhave - Mallard Grief Cocktail?

...How does the grief of Mrs. Mallard compare with that of Shaila Bhave in "The Management of Grief"? How does the point of view impact our observation and understanding of the grieving process? How do the settings of the two stories impact their handling of the information?...

It is interesting to observe the two different reactions to the loss of their husbands. Again, I think that an important factor that plays into these two stories are the Eastern Western cultures and their differences. Even in the "Managment of Grief" Sailah makes a comment where she even compares the difference between how a wife loves her husband in thier culture, maybe never saying "I love you," and how the women in the western culture say it all the time as to have to prove it.

In Shailah's case we understand that though and arranged marriage, there still was a level of content and genuine love. Whereas in the marriage Mrs. Mallard has, we are led to almost believe that there may be some level of physical or emotional abuse, and we find surprisingly that she embraces the idea of being "free" with open arms, and in Shailah's case, she mentions how hard it was to move on and bide the time.

I believe that the settings of the two stories were different but not to the point of being so extreme as distract from the fact that grief is a very real process and emotion, not always lock-step the same for every individual, but very much the same that it is a part of life.

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